Saturday, October 11, 2014

This is The End?

It saddens me to type this, but it must be done. I wanted to go on with the story, but I didn't know when, if ever, I'd be able to pick it back up. I originally thought that I'd put it off until the end of the Semester, but the longer I wait, the longer the story will "collect dust" and be forgotten about. I was speaking with a guy randomly yesterday and the topic came up about Fan Fiction and how he'd gotten into one story and the person never finished it. I had replied that that sucked and it made me think of my own. Yes, it's not the most popular blog, but I do know a few were interested. And you few don't deserve to be left to wonder when it'll come back. So instead of A) Writing the rest without pictures or B) Continuing to put it off, I am going with C. C being calling it quits and closing the book earlier than I hoped. I have wrote and quit stories before, but those were never personal. This is the most personal thing I have ever written and shared with "The World". I wanted to say this in "the end", but this is "the end", so I guess it's still appropriate. 

Jeremy is/was me. My mother was Veronica for as long as I could remember. I never understood how she could abandon us or why. To this day, I don't understand, but we do have a relationship now. Is everything peachy? Far from it. But it's better. I don't hate her anymore. And I'm not spending restless nights staying up and crying over where she is or when she'll come back. I don't know WHY I wanted to write this story, maybe I felt it'll help. But it's been years and I would like to think that I've healed. But there is still that little girl trapped inside me, always wondering, always asking Why? Why weren't we good enough? 

Maybe it's a good thing I didn't finish this. I had too many problems and it just seemed like it just wasn't meant to be wrote. Seriously, I've had games crash, but this one did it repeatedly. And If I were to continue, I'd pretty much have to re-create all my characters. I love them, but no thanks. That's a commitment that I just can't do right now. At this point, I'm all over the place. I just want to try lose ends I suppose. 

I would love to say that I'll be back with another story, but I'd feel really crappy about that since I didn't finish this one. But then again..story writing and taking pictures is one of the reasons I love the Sims game, so who knows? I DO know that I will still be reading. I got the opportunity to catch up a little today, but I know I'm still far behind. I hope you all understand and if/when I do write again, hopefully you will still be interested. 

